Tuesday, January 22, 2019

Rylee, Intro Post

My name is Rylee Bowen and I'm from Santa Rosa, California and Bend, Oregon. I grew up in Northern California and moved to Oregon when I was a senior. (There was a pretty big fire in Santa Rosa last year and my family skirted out) I went to a really small high school. Our school had 250 kids total. I loved it, but everyone knew everything about everyone. I have two little sisters, Kate and Taylin. Kate is a junior now and Taylin is in fifth grade. I love both of them very much but they make me realize how scary teenagers are. The three of us grew up with Disney. Between all of us, I think we can recite most of Tangled, The Little Mermaid, and Mulan from memory. But my all time favorite Disney film is Pirates of the Carribean. I loved Johnny Depp so much that I wrote him when I was in third grade. He actually responded but I lose everything... When I was a freshman, my family went to Disney World. Kate and I loved Space Mountain and Taylin, who was 6 at the time, got jealous and jumped on the ride. She's still terrified of "big" rides from it, but it was a good effort.

I'm really excited to work on my writing skills in this class. I took creative writing last semester, but it was a LOT of poetry. Not that poetry is bad... Its just not for me:) Disney interests me because it is so much more than kids movies. I believe that Disney is preparing to take over the planet. I'm looking forward to figuring out just how realistic that is.

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