Wednesday, January 30, 2019

Samuel Joseph Snow White: The Disney Version

When watching the Disney film Snow White at face value, one is filled with happy vibes and joyful spirit. I believe it does a great job at providing entertainment for the young viewer, all the songs were wonderful, and the princess got her wish at the end. However, when deeper analyzing this film, one starts to realize the many minor flaws that permeate throughout the film. I do not agree with Giroux that one must incorporate Disney movies into school curriculum… what are the children going to learn? The words to the songs? There is no way they will understand all the metaphors and intentional but terrible gender roles and they’re most certainly not old enough to understand the bigger picture of Disney in the film. The Disneyfication of the film, in my opinion, was not terrible, because although Disney made the film child-friendly (almost) the plot line was still relatively still intact, with just deeper connections with the dwarves.

After watching, I have still not come to terms with the idea that Snow White was completely okay with going into someone else’s house, just barging in like she owns the place. Then when the Dwarves come in, she’s treating them like the guests at her house?? Like the place is hers and they’re just coming for a sleep overall in all to say the dwarves are also okay with this, which makes no sense, I guess they’re just star struck by her beauty. I was also not okay with the fact that Snow White threw herself into the womanized homemaker scenario whereas in the Grimm’s version she was put there by the Dwarves. Thinking through this process in my head, I could not come to terms with the idea of which was better? Or less bad I guess? In one scenario (Disney) Snow White shows the “inferiority” of women, and in the other (Grimms) we see the “superiority” of men. I’d rather just take that part out and have Snow White clean the house for fun, or go to the mines with them. I also don’t understand the idea that Snow White just leaves the dwarves after all they’ve done for her she just up and leaves and that’s so rude she should’ve at least done something for them. Kudos to the dwarves for chasing the queen and getting her killed, but one of them should have stayed with Snow White in the house.

Anyways, here are my thoughts when I was watching the film… hope you enjoy!

Before the film started, the music that played at the beginning created a warm, happy, comfortable tone for the audience to just sit back, relax, and enjoy the film.

The mood switches quite quickly when the wicked Queen appears and summons the “slave”?? from the mirror and the fire appears from within the mirror itself.  I didn’t realize that the mirror was a slave to her, I just assumed it was some sort of acquaintance.

LOL Snow White just ran away from the Prince. It’s funny because she was wishing for someone, and he kind of just appeared. This is different from the Grimm’s version because to my knowledge the prince didn’t appear until after Snow White ate the apple and was “dead.” But the prince was eavesdropping haha don’t do that bro. NO THE QUEEN IS WATCHING :,(((((

I’m surprised Disney kept the whole part about the Queen ordering for Snow White’s death by the huntsman… and the part about bringing back her heart in a box… I feel like that’s not child friendly, or fairytale-esque. At least in this version the huntsman attempts at reasoning with the Queen whereas in the Grimm’s version he just obeys. Also, just an observation, the father/King has been nonexistent so far… I wonder if Disney is trying to make a statement about a father figure.

OH MY! I knew the Huntsman was going to try to kill Snow White, but my heart rate and blood pressure still shot through the roof. Oof I wonder what’s going to happen to the huntsman because he didn’t bring back her heart.

Okay so I know I was a scaredy cat as a child, I probably wouldn’t have lasted this long watching this movie wow those trees were intimidating.

So the whole part about animals is a Disney thing because that was non-existent in the Grimm’s version. That was a good idea because the animals are really cute and a good contrast to the scary forest. I like how the animals can understand her and communicate to her with facial cues. I also just noticed that the movie is like an hour and a half long and I’m excited to see hot Disney turns a 10 minute read into 90 minutes of film. So far it’s been pretty interesting and enjoyable to watch.

Songs + cute animals + female princess protagonist = Successful fairytale?? Disney version??

I like how the animals lead her to the Dwarves house, and she’s completely okay with going into the dark house in the forest when nobody’s home. Lol girl just cuz you’re a cute princess it’s not your house. Wait so if the dwarves come home every day, why is the place so dirty with cobwebs?? HAHA she just assumed seven children were living in the forest all by themselves… isn’t she a child too?

Okay so basically this time around, as opposed to the Grimm’s version, Snow White throws herself into the preconceived womanized role by saying “if I clean the house maybe they’ll let me stay.” In the Grimm’s version, the Dwarves threw that role upon her, saying that she needed to clean around the house in order to stay. I honestly don’t know which one is worse, but they’re both pretty not okay. I guess Snow White is just doing this out of the kindness of her heart. Lol it’s kinda funny because I assumed Snow White was going to let the animals do all the work cleaning while she bossed around and that’s exactly what happened.

So in this version the dwarves have names and they portray those characteristics which is also a fairytale aspect that Disney added to make it kid friendly and allow us to better relate with the characters. Also these songs are pretty fire they’re gonna be in my head for a few days lol. The last dwarf seems significantly younger than the other six, I wonder if there’s any significance in that?

Wow those animals are pretty rude they didn’t even warn Snow White that the Dwarves were on their way home, they just left. Also I like how the Dwarves never assumed that it was a person in their house, just all irrational creatures that might’ve occupied their house. It seems like they’re disappointed that their house is clean??? If someone cleaned my house for free I’d be pretty happy. Those birds are pretty cruel to mess with the dwarves like that. Wait, were they hinting at the fact that Snow White is upstairs?? Wow I feel bad for dopey (apparently he can’t talk) but they were beating him up pretty badly.

I’m not sure but it seems to me that Snow White is animated differently from the dwarves… it seems like the dwarves have more details, but look more cartoony. LOLLL I like how Snow White thinks it’s perfectly okay to go into someone else’s house and just strike up a conversation with them like she’s known them their entire life. Apparently they’ve heard of the princess Snow White??? Grumpy seems to know a lot about the Queen. Relating to earlier as well, different from the Grimm’s version, Snow White offers herself to cook and clean and do the “womanized” chores around the house instead of the Dwarves forcing her to do so. I don’t understand how they’re okay with Snow White coming into their house and bossing them around. She’s acting like a mother figure forcing the old men to go wash their hands and supposedly she’s only a teenager… the surprising thing is that they’re willing to listen. I feel with grumpy so much right now… to kid’s he’s got an attitude, but he has every reason to be that way. The whole bath part was definitely a fairy tale addition by Disney.

I am extremely glad Disney didn’t show the heart, but that mirror cannot keep its mouth shut someone needs to go up there and break that thing 7 years of bad luck is worth it. Also rest in peace for the huntsman when the Queen finds him. Also glad she doesn’t eat the heart that would’ve been bad for children.

Apparently the queen is an advanced chemist/mad scientist as well?? In the Grimm’s version she just put on makeup to look old, I wonder if the changes are reversible now because they are chemical? Also different from the Grimm’s version, there is only one attempt at murder which is better than 3 (I guess?) attempted murder in a fairytale due to jealousy is still not okay for children in my opinion.

Snow White teaches children the wrong things about love because she implies that you fall in love with someone because of the way they look and that’s definitely a formula for breakups. Also I couldn’t really understand what she was singing in this song. At least the antidote is love’s first kiss and not TRUE love’s first kiss.

Snow White is praying? I didn’t know Disney portrayed religion into his movies.

Grumpy was right about the Queen the entire time about how she was a witch. They should’ve trusted him. Even Doc warned her before they left… and she still took the apple apparently… (haven’t gotten to that part yet.) Grumpy really does care!!! AWWWW

EW the Witch just barged in through the window she’s so nosy. I’m mad at Snow White. The Bird’s know something is up when they saw the vultures. OH they saved her. WHY’D SHE COME OUTSIDE!!!??? There’s no way. She’s taking advantage of Snow White’s kindness… what a terrible lady. The Witch is so suspicious I don’t know why Snow White is like this. Sleepy is a genius oh my goodness. I guess there is substance to when the Witch said your dreams will come true because her wish for true loves comes to fruition at the end. I wonder why none of the dwarves went to help snow white, but all of them went to chase the witch. Okay so the witch fell to her death and got eaten by vultures so she got what she deserved.

Wow I’m actually crying right now this is so sad :,((.

Ah! And here we see Disney, the man himself, the prince, to save the day. The man with the perfect voice… just strolls in happy as ever when all the other dwarves and animals are mourning. Okay so he just decides to go up and kiss the dead body. And he carries her off into the sunset. Perfect fairytale ending.

Why does Snow White just say goodbye to the dwarves after they so earnestly took care of her for all that time what a terrible girl and a terrible way to treat those who were so kind to you.

AND THEY LIVED HAPPILY EVER AFTER. The dwarves deserve to be treated better than that.

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