Saturday, February 9, 2019

Devon Wolfe Snow White Film Review

While I remembering loving snow white as a kid, I’m surprised and to be honest, disappointed in my 6-year old self for being so blind to many of the sexist or concerning aspects of snow white. I almost wish my parents sat down with me and made sure I was aware of what is awesome, but also what is clearly warped in Snow White. While it’s great that Snow White is absolutely beautiful, Walt Disney makes it clear that being an attractive female with cooking and cleaning skills is her only strengths.

Of course, there were moments where I was fully immersed in the whimsical fantasy! The slow and classical music in the beginning really got me in the feels and quite frankly made me miss my childhood. I love watching the awesome and thorough animations, with tens of animals chasing around and snow white swiftly moving in harmony with them. A few times I even felt like we were in the sound of music (her voice truly does sound like a harp).

But of course, I had a critical eye - let’s start from the beginning - Within the first few minutes, I realized the premise of the movie: snow white is victimized by her wicked step mother because she is too pretty, and her stepmother is dangerously jealous! It got worse when 30 seconds after finding out she wasn’t the “fairest of them all”, the queen orders her huntsman to murder her own daughter. Murder is heavy on any 18-year old, let alone a 6-year old who is looking for any happy ending. Especially when the queen orders for not just the death of her own daughter, but her heart, I freaked. However, I do acknowledge that we shouldn’t protect kids from the gloomy realities of the world. Jealous is a part of life, and if all movies were nothing but daisies and roses, then no one would be interested!

I am also slightly confused about some of the dwarfs. Dopey seemed like the butt of every joke and I could not tell if he was meant to just be the least intelligent of them all or serve as a representation of something more – like a learning or mental disability. Either way, I wonder why Walt Disney wanted to include this!

As the movie continues, and I’m waiting for prince charming to I then remembered how creepy it is that the prince starts making out with snow white randomly. “Don’t take candy, or in this case, apples, from strangers” is not the only message Disney is sending. It is also that kissing someone when they are sleeping is totally normal, as well as accepted! In today’s environment, this fairytale isn’t necessarily the best way to show kids how to go about relationships.

Amidst all this, I still loved re-watching Snow White. She is a breath of fresh air, and her voice is truly angelic. I love how in touch with nature she is and the positive attitude she has amidst her evil stepmother.

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